Thanks to Ptr. Eric K. Angeles and to Ptr. Marlon Borbe Bermas, and to their Ministry Teams! We appreciate their trust in God and decision to partner with us.
We praise God that His people “do not neglect doing good and sharing.” We truly appreciate how His people share their spiritual gifts unto His children. We thank God for you and pray that the Lord will “supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness.”
ICI materials are always available to train workers and equip our leaders and pastors as we continue to engage with church/school/ministry partners in providing resources!
Ptr. Eric:
“The books have arrived for the first class in our Leaders And Ministers Institute here. Class will start tomorrow and every Friday for 13 weeks.”
A big, big thank you to ICI Ministries, Philippines for their gracious partnership and support!
Thank you also for the sponsor of these 1st set of books, the Lord bless you back to the overflowing degree!
Help us pray for anointing and understanding.